Category Archives: Stars: They’re Just Like Us!

Lisa wanted to know how I felt about Josh and Fergie.

Quite seriously, what in the hell is happening in this photo?

Well Lisa, I am glad you asked!

While I do enjoy me some “Clumsy (The Girl Can’t Help It)”, and I am very much looking forward to Netflixing That Movie With the Baby in Which Katie Heigel Plays Yet Another Neurotic Uptight Stereotype, I must admit that Josh and Fergie are a perplexing duo. What, one wonders, do they discuss over dinner (strippers! meth addiction! Will.I.Am!)?

One suspects, frankly, that there is very little discussion happening at all.

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Oh like you didn’t see that one coming.

Swifty and Donnie Darko break up. Probably after Swifty SAW Donnie Darko for the first time and was all,”Dude, I thought this was about adorable bunnies.”

Personally I’m looking forward Taylor’s next single, “Gay Cowboy Heartbreak.”

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