Category Archives: Just Kiss Already

wait wait is this happening?

Because this, this is a pairing I could get behind. Kunis/Timberlake, 2011.

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Am I alone in thinking that there is absolutely no glitzy love interest for Neal on White Collar that is going to interest me one crumb as much as the quietly ambiguous man-love between him and Peter? I can’t possibly be alone in thinking this, can I?



Celebrity Matchmaker

“I am so happy I can stand here and tell you I love you, and have for 13 years.” Winslet + DiCaprio. Photo via tumblr.

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If You Say One Word About Moonlighting I’ll Punch You

For the last year or so, Bones has been my favorite cops-in-secret-love procedural to watch while I cook dinner. It’s got a lot of stuff I’m into: a smart female lead, charming secondary characters, enough continuity to be consistently engaging, and David Boreanaz strutting around with a semiautomatic weapon in his pants.

Also, you know. Cops in secret love.

I’m not made of stone, okay?

Still, this season I made the mistake of watching in real time on Thursday nights, and having given it the old college try I think this is one that’s going to need to stay neatly filed under O for “only while other stuff is happening”. First of all, it turns out there’s not really enough going on from week to week to keep my attention if I don’t have one eye on a pot of risotto or some leafy greens. Second of all: it’s not actually very much fun this year.

There’s always a moment, on these shows, where the storyline has logically gotten as far as it’s going to get with the Unresolved Sexual Tension: your leads have saved each other’s lives, gone undercover as a knife-throwing circus couple, co-parented a newly orphaned baby, whatever. We Get It. If you drag it out much further than that you run the risk of things getting bleak and gross and frankly absurd (I’m looking at you, SVU) or of me just not caring that much by the time they Finally Do It (see also: the sudden disappearance of the sexual chemistry between The West Wing‘s Josh and Donna at the exact moment before they, you know. Have sex).

Which, I think, is where we are with Bones: well, okay then. Call me when something happens. It’s your show, Hart Hanson–you can go ahead and move in the opposite direction than the one everyone expects, break down the relationship between Booth and Brennan before you (presumably) build it back up again. You can give Booth a spunky reporter love interest and dialogue that is, frankly, pretty douchey. You can give Brennan an imaginary friend. You’ve been doing this awhile. I’m sure you have a plan. But in the meantime, it might be worth it to keep in mind that it’s not like anybody is watching this show for the valuable insights into forensic science.

Also, I think you should do another Vegas episode, if you get a chance. I liked that one a lot.

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Celebrity Matchmaker

Oh God, please get back together: Gosling + McAdams

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Celebrity Matchmaker

Favorite Imaginary Couples: Keener + Clooney

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